Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Wood Chess Set Buying Guide

When looking to purchase a wooden chess set, you have many choices in color, style, weight, and price. Most wooden sets currently are produced in India, and prices range from fairly cheap to very expensive. There are several things you can keep in mind to find the best deal on the chess set you are buying.

Weight and Height

When looking for a set to display at home, or even play with in tournaments, it is important to get a set that you are comfortable with. usually, the heavier the piece the nicer it is to play with. The pieces tend to tip over less, and have a good massive feel to them. Along with the weight of the wood, chess pieces are usually fitted with weights beneath the billiard cloth bottom. In a tournament game with little time left, there is no time to keep up-righting the pieces every move. Heavier sets weight 40 ounces or more.
The height of the set is always measured by the height of the King. Chess sets and boards you play on should be proportionate. Playing with larger pieces on a smaller board is not recommended since the height of the pieces blocks or occludes other pieces, and it's harder to get the "big picture". A typical tournament set uses between a 3 1/2" to 4" King with a board that measures over 20". A good ratio may be a 21" board with a 3 3/4" King.

Ebony Sets - a warning

Ebony produces the most desired chess sets with a rich dark red color. However, ebonized pieces are just heavily lacquered pieces giving the illusion of Ebony. Be careful, if the price seems to good it may not be a good deal.

Below is a mix of high end, luxury sets, as well as sets suitable for casual play or beginners in wood. The folding sets fondly remind me of my first wooden set, that I treasured as a beginner while trying to beat my Dad at chess.

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